Living Environmentally Cautious During the Pandemic

Alexa Kafka
2 min readMar 29, 2021
The Creative Exchange, Unsplash

In the midst of this pandemic, we find ourselves especially concerned with our personal hygiene and protection from the deadly coronavirus disease, utilizing masks to prevent catching it. Because of the (understandable) fear of acquiring germs on our masks from public places, we throw these blue face covers away immediately after use and continue to stockpile plastic masks, believing that it is the most optimal way to ensure disease prevention. This is not ideal financially as it costs the average consumer hundreds per month and it’s also environmentally unsound, generating tremendous amounts of plastic, most of which is filtered either directly into the ocean, threatening marine life, or into landfills, harming the habitat there and increasing global pollution. To lessen this accumulation of plastic and pollution, a solution is at bay….use reusable masks! Most reusable masks are made of cloth, can be washed and dried in just minutes upon usage in public areas, and are completely affordable, ranging from $5-$15. If you’re annoyed at the idea of having to wash your mask incessantly, don’t fear, because you can always purchase a multitude of reusable masks and alternate between them; and for those who like to dress up, reusable masks tend to be more fashionable, coming in all sorts of colors and designs, so you can match them to your outfit!

Written by: Mukta Sarwate (Youth Climate Action Inc.)

